Xenia High School Crest
1961 – 1986
The following explains the symbols on the XHS Crest that was selected in 1961 for class rings and graduation invitations and used until 1986.
Crest: Buccaneer, Proper, — School Mascot.
Azure: A Shield, Quartered, Wavy, Arg, — Represents Little Miami River
In the Fess Point, a circle, Arg, and an “X”, and 1803, Arg – Circle Represents “O” for Ohio; Rope Industry: “X” for Xenia: 1803 Represents Founding Date of Xenia.
In Dexter Chief: A wigwam, Proper – Represents Settlement of the Area by the Shawnee Indians.
In the Sinister Chief: A Revolutionary Hat, Crossed Sabre and Quill, Proper – Represents Greene County, Named for Nathaniel Greene of Revolutionary War Fame.
In Dexter Base: A Tourch and Atomic Symbol. Proper — Represents Education and Science
In Sinister Base: Owl in Flight holding Shield Containing “X”, — Represents Strength and Wisdom.
Xenia High School Fight Song
Hurrah for Xenia High School, For she’s all right.
Keep colors flying, Go on with the fight.
Rah! Rah! Rah!
To her we must be loyal, Never give in.
Hurrah for Xenia High School For she will win!